Purchasing a house is one the biggest decisions you can make. Wise Eye Inspections is here to make sure that you will make a wise and informed decision. We can help take the hassle out of the process of getting a pre-purchase-pest-and-building-inspection, saving you energy, time and money.
Here are some of the many services that we can offer you:
The professional Wise Eye Inspection team is well equipped with the knowledge, skills and experience needed to thoroughly conduct pre purchase pest and building inspections. We can see things that other people cannot and will do everything humanly possible to reveal the “secrets” of every building. Our trained eyes will help uncover hidden problems and issues that any building may have.
We make sure to send a detailed report complete with pictures within 24 to 48 hours after an inspection. Our building consultants will also give you a courtesy call on the afternoon of the inspection to discuss any major findings. Our staff are also available to discuss any concerns or queries you may have after you receive your reports.
The pre purchase building inspection reports are sent on the next business day, in a PDF format. We also include pictures to assist you in finding the issues and the location and give you information and a maintenance schedule on how to solve the problem if needed.
When possible and safe, we will gain access to the roof, roof space and subfloor. Beware of inspection report companies who don’t even attempt these areas. These key places are potential areas of problems and therefore should be on the top of the list of any inspection.
Whether your are a buyer or seller – a Wise Eye Pre Purchase Building Inspection Report will help you negotiate a great purchase price. With a thorough report on the property, you can potentially save thousands of dollars on your real estate transaction, give peace of mind to your buyer or help reveal issues with the property before you buy.
As one of our recent customers put it, “Thank you very much. Your pre purchase building and pest report really helped us negotiate a great price for our house. It was a terrific investment for us and we wouldn’t dream of dealing in property again without giving Wise Eye a call”
With an extra pair of “professional” eyes at Wise Eye Inspections, let us help you make the best home buying choice!